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Friday, July 27, 2012

-New planet discovered in our Milky Way-
by: Bernie Galve
         “The more you know the more you don’t know”, these are words that were uttered by the Albert Einstein, of the most intelligent scientist in the world. This is really true. For now, there are things that are still vague to us. One of these unknown things is the planets in the universe. Let me talk about the newly discovered object in our Milky Way.
According to the new research, another undiscovered planet might be orbiting at the dark fringers. It could be easily spotted by a telescope. This unseen planet appear to be making by the presence felt by disturbing the so caned kuiper belt objects, said by an astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, his name is Rodney Gomes.
A so called Kuiper belt objects are small icy bodies. It includes some dwarf planets. It lies beyond Neptune’s orbit.
For example, the dwarf planet Pluto was once a planet in our solar system. This was one of the largest Kuiper belt objects, about 1400 miles (2300) Kilometers) wide. Twelve other objects are hundreds of mile across and every year there are more new discoveries. Another people say that they were three Pluto? That is possible to be dwarf planet. This is an appetizer of my discussion so we could back to the main topic.
According to his new calculations, they were half dozen kuiper belt objects including remote body called Sedna. Sedna are in strange orbits compared to be they should by it is based in an existing solar system models.
“The objects unexpected orbits have a few possible explanations”, said Gomes. He presented his findings in Timberline Lodge, Oregon on a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
“But I think the easiest one is a planetary mass solar companion.” On the Kuiper belt objects a planet that orbits very far out from the sun but that is massive enough to be having gravitational effects.
Gomes’s have his new work that we analyze the orbits of 92 Kuiper belt objects and he compared the results to a computer model of how does the bodies should be distributed, with and without an additional planet.
Gomes concludes that if there’s no distant world, the models do not produce a highly elongated orbit we can be seen for six of the objects. Gomes thinks Neptune was about four times bigger in our planet Earth, orbiting 140 billion miles (225 billion kilometers) away from the sun that farther than the earth about 1500 times.
It upgrades the sources in the chemistry studies which is very essential in this field of science. This planet for us and can give us new style of living. It can be the new source of knowledge. We can be benefited by this. The only question is how we can use to go there and is it a livable planet or not; and how can we go there and how do you invent such a vehicle that is faster?

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