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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The New Born Subatomic Particle

by: Ivane Care C. Baluran

   Have you ever dream to propose or will be named to you the thing they discover? Higgs Boson named for Peter Higgs and one of those who proposed the new subatomic particle. The Higgs Boson was discovered by the two teams: the CMR and the ATLAS and also Peter Higgs at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland.
   The Higgs Boson was discovered by studying about matter also from the theories of Gauge Theory, Glashow's electroweek theory also called the Standard Model and Gold Stone's Theorem.
   The Physicist who theorized the Higgs Boson are Francois Englert, Robert Brout in August 1964, Peter Higgs in October 1964, Gerald Guralnik, C.R. Hagen and Tom Kibble (GHK) in November 1964.

   The Higgs Mechanism was first applied by Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam. They made the Higgs mechanism for the breaking of the electroweek symmetry. Only the massive boson can decay and the decays can prove the mechanism.
   According to Wikipedia, Higgs Boson is the massive and fleetingly short-lived boson associated with a Higgs Field and also the Higgs Field's smallest possible excitation, or quantum. The Higgs Boson is formed from a simulated collision between two photons. The same with photons, higgs boson have no mass at all.
The higgs boson symbol is H0 and the mass is 125.3+_ 0.6 GeV / C2, 126 GeV/C2
Higgs Boson has zero spin, electric charge and color change. And also according to wikipedia the status of Higgs Boson is tentatively observed - a boson "consistent with" the higgs boson has been observed but as of July 2012, scientists have not conclusively identified it as the Higgs Boson.

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